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EXCLUSIVE: Militan ISIS Rilis Video Perdana Pertempuran di Fallujah (VIDEO)

Friday, May 27, 2016 23:13 WIB

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In a new video purportedly released by the Islamic State titled “Fallujah, the City of Steadfastness,” ISIS militants in “Wilayat Fallujah,” Iraq, are shown attacking Iraqi soldiers as coalition forces try to retake the city. The video was released on ISIS channels on May 26.

An offensive to retake Fallujah from the Islamic State began last week. Fallujah fell to ISIS in January 2014 and has been in their control since. According to The Huffington Post:

Fallujah holds great significance for both Iraq and the United States. It was the first major city rebel fighters took in 2014. And its close proximity to Baghdad poses real threats to the Iraqi capital, which is frequently rocked by car bombs and militant attacks.

In the video, ISIS militants wearing GoPros are shown carrying out assaults on Iraqi forces. Suicide bombings are also shown. Cameras also repeatedly focus on fallen Iraqi soldiers as ISIS militants trudge through the battlefield, stealing weapons from the dead servicemen.



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